WUI: Selwyn Ave to Fourth Ave

Intersection Upgrades & Four Laning

SH1 is an arterial road within the Whangarei District and therefore is a strategic route for freight and tourism within the region. It is also part of a strategic route to the Marsden Point port, the Marsden Point Oil Refinery and is a strategic arterial within Whangarei City, all of which have national economic significance.

Whangarei Urban Improvements

As part of the Whangarei Urban Improvements (WUI) the design incorporates three intersections - two signalised intersections and a raised median and new link joining Fourth Avenue to Kauika Road.

Early Contractor Involvement (ECI)

As part of these upgrades, early contractor involvement (ECI) focused on improving stormwater management and traffic signal infrastructure. Stormwater facilities were enhanced to manage increased runoff more efficiently, and the traffic signals were upgraded to ensure smoother and safer operations. These ECI efforts were essential in laying the groundwork for broader intersection improvements and ensuring the project's long-term success.

Solving Congestion Issues

Mitigating congestion during peak periods, the intersections at SH1/Selwyn Avenue and SH1/Central Avenue have been upgraded with extra lanes, improved intersection capacity, and upgraded signals and pedestrian crossings, all in line with current state highway safety standards. The state highway has been widened to four lanes from the SH1/14 intersection to Central Avenue, and a raised median has been installed from south of Fourth Avenue to Kauika Road, restricting right-turn movements to and from the highway. Wilson Avenue has been closed off from the highway, with a new link road constructed from Wilson Avenue to Fifth Avenue, providing an alternative route to and from the state highway, significantly improving traffic flow.

Effective Teamwork

Relationships forged with service authorities had been critical in the design and planning to minimise disruption and delays. A close working relationship was developed with Whangarei District Council as the project had many interfaces with their infrastructure.

LOCATION:     SH1 / Whangarei Central

CLIENT:     NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi)

CONSULTANT:     NCC Consulting Engineers

CONTRACTOR:     Fulton Hogan Ltd.


  • Team Lead Delivery (ECI)

  • Planning

  • Design-Build Contract

  • Geotechnical Design

  • Structural Design

  • Utility Design

  • Pavement Design

  • Road & Infrastructure Design

  • Stormwater Design

  • Landscaping

  • Site Supervision

  • MSQA

  • Communications & Engagement


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